Brigad is an app that enables hospitality businesses to connect with qualified, self-employed hospitality professionals for short-term work


Brigad is an app that enables hospitality businesses to connect with qualified, self-employed hospitality professionals for short-term work

Connect with 15,000 skilled hospitality freelancers

Since 2016, we have empowered thousands of hospitality businesses across London, Birmingham, and Manchester to easily reinforce their teams with hospitality freelancers when they find themselves lacking support. Simply select the role you need filled and provide the relevant details - the mission will then be sent to qualified freelancers with the necessary skills:

- No middlemen involved - Directly access freelancers in your area

- The highest standards in quality - only 13% of freelancers pass our vetting process

- 96% of missions are accepted within 24 hours


Freelancers to the front! The hospitality workforce to lead the industry in 2024 with Brigad


How to build a flexible workforce?

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